A man is on a hiking trail in a California desert, when he notices his car is missing. As he searches around, he follows a wandering boy and eventually ends up in a remote cabin occupied by a young woman. A strange dynamic between the two occurs, along with several violent encounters with menacing boys holding the woman captive. As the man realizes the calculated trap he is fal...A man is on a hiking trail in a California desert, when he notices his car is missing. As he searches around, he follows a wandering boy and eventually ends up in a remote cabin occupied by a young woman. A strange dynamic between the two occurs, along with several violent encounters with menacing boys holding the woman captive. As the man realizes the calculated trap he is fal... 详情
主演:Giselle van der Wiel Telen Rodwell Aaron J. March Robert Harrell James Pratt Daniel Musial Ezekiel Simat Conor Fogarty Brandon Paterson Ivan Topic Anna Bauert Daniel Cummings Terry Serio Patch May Barbara Hastings Tim Boyle 艾娃·卡约菲丽斯